This time mimin will explain the problem of the iPhone that cannot turn on in the off or Off condition.
Have you ever experienced this? At first the iPhone looked fine. However, suddenly when the iPhone will be turned on the screen display is still dark.
It is possible that cases like this can also be caused by other problems. You also need to find out if there are any other indications of damage.
iPhone Power Button Function
The power button is so important on every cell phone and various other electronic items that have a power button.
Seeing from its function, which is to activate a device, if the iPhone power button is damaged then you cannot turn your iPhone on or off.
In addition, this button can also be used to capture the screen on your iPhone. You won't be able to capture the screen if the power button is broken.
Power button malfunction
To deal with this case, beginners usually jump to the conclusion that the total power failure is caused as if by a power button malfunction. You have to be careful in identifying it from the start.
To find out if the power button is only damaged, follow these steps:
Press the Power Button and Home Button
Press and hold the home sleep button together until the Apple logo appears. After the logo appears, press and hold both buttons until the screen is blank.
Then press the home button to view boot iPhone. If displaying Apple stuck logo boot, You'll need to connect to your computer and open iTunes to restore the system software on your iPhone.
Try With iPhone Charge
Next, charge the iPhone, then wait a moment for the charging battery to appear.
If that method works, it means that the iPhone is in charging mode. Once charged, a picture of the battery will appear and wait until the battery indicator is green.
Also Read: Get to Know IC Charger Deeper
Check for Physical DamageÂ
Physical damage also affects the damage to the on/off switch. Check the power button to see whether or not it is damaged when pressed.Â
If it does break, it's usually because of the circuitry inside the iPhone.
But don't worry, the components are separate and the repair is not complicated. Simply replace the components without soldering.
Fix iPhone Power Button Problem
Previously following up on how to fix a broken Power button on an iPhone, the method below uses an iPhone 5. If you have an iPhone device with a newer version, the method is slightly different.
Remember, if you try to do the repair yourself, if there is damage it is not the responsibility of the author. So it's better to just back off and leave it to the experts hehe. For your knowledge, you can follow these steps.
- Take out the iPhone SIM card > Remove the Bolt with an iPhone-specific screwdriver.Â
- Remove the LCD gently. You can use a flat tool like a guitar pick or something like that, as long as you don't damage the housing.
- Unscrew the bolt on the battery connector cover.
- Then Open battery connector > Open cover top can.
- You can gently remove the module from its socket.
- Remove the touchscreen LCD > Remove the Board > and some bolts that are still attached.
- Remove the bolt on the volume buttons > Unscrew the bolt power button.
- When all components are removed, replace the power module.
iPhone logic board problem
Check the J470 line 2 and make sure it is in good condition. The function of this line is to connect to other components. This case is for normal connectors.
Then take current-voltage measurements on the resistor, and make sure the resistor is in good condition.
Apabila ditemukan kerusakan pada jalur R4710 yang short atau putus, kamu perlu mengganti jalur tersebut dan coba cek kembali setelah melakukan penggantian.
Jika nggak mau ribet, kamu bisa langsung datang ke store kami di Candra Apple Solution or contact WA 08157 5403 733 untuk berkonsultasi dan memperbaiki masalah pada iPhone kamu.
Baca Juga: iPhone Mati Total Disebabkan Logic Board Bermasalah