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Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia - Pasar saham Amerika Serikat (AS) mengalami aksi jual besar-besaran terkhusus kelompok raksasa teknologi Magnificent Seven (Mag-7) dan membuat Nasdaq Composite anjlok lebih dari 3% untuk pertama kalinya dalam 400 hari perdagangan terakhir.Ketujuh saham tersebut yakni Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Meta Platforms, Microsoft, NVIDIA, dan Tesla anjlok drastis pada 24 Juli 2024 diikuti dengan aksi jual ratusan miliar dolar AS.Pada perdagangan Rabu (24/7/2024), S&P 500 turun 2,3%, dan menjadi hari terburuknya sejak Desember 2022, sementara Dow Jones Industrial Average kehilangan 1,2%, atau 504 poin.Sementara itu, Nasdaq yang didominasi oleh sektor teknologi jeblok 3,6% dan merupakan penurunan terbesar sejak Oktober 2022, ketika pejabat Federal Reserve menaikkan suku bunga untuk menekan inflasi.Saham-saham Mag-7 terpantau kehilangan nilai pasar sekitar US$760 miliar atau setara Rp12.312 triliun (asumsi kurs Rp16.200/US$).Dilansir dari Yahoo Finance, kehilangan nilai pasar Mag-7 kali ini setidaknya merupakan yang terparah […]
Apple has long been a pioneer in technological innovation, creating products that change the way we work, communicate, and live our daily lives. Behind the success of these products lies a unique strategy that is rarely revealed to the public: the development of its own chips. In an exclusive interview with The Indian Express, two senior Apple executives reveal Apple's chip strategy that has allowed the company to excel in the global market. Apple's Main Focus: In-house Designed Chips for Optimal Performance Apple has made a strategic decision to design chips specifically for their own products, rather than selling them to third parties. This move aims to create deep integration between hardware and software. According to Tim Millet, Apple's Vice President of Platform Architecture, and Tom Boger, Apple's Vice President of Mac Product Marketing, this Apple chip strategy not only provides a technical edge but also differentiates Apple from competitors. "We don't want to be [...]
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