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Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia - Apple digadang-gadang akan meluncurkan seri iPhone 16 teranyar pada September mendatang. Bocorannya sudah banyak wara-wiri di internet.Jadwal itu belum dikonfirmasi langsung, tetapi merujuk pada rekam jejak peluncuran seri iPhone terbaru dari tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Bocoran terbaru justru mengungkap Apple akan meluncurkan produk lain bulan depan. Tak lain adalah AirPods 4. Earphone tanpa kabel buatan Apple itu akan meneruskan AirPods 2 dan AirPods 3 yang saat ini tersedia di pasaran. Bocoran soal peluncuran AirPods 4 bulan depan diungkap Mark Gurman dari Bloomberg. Dikutip dari Gizchina, AirPods 4 dikatakan akan memiliki 2 versi yang bisa dipilih para fanboy Apple. Masing-masing adalah Standard Model dan Enhanced Edition. AirPods 4 Standard Model dirancang untuk menggantikan AirPods 2. Model ini memberikan opsi basic yang fokus pada fungsi dan kesederhanaan. Standard Model tidak mendukung pengisian daya nirkabel (wireless charging). Fitur peredaman suara bising […] - Ketua Dewan Ekonomi Nasional (DEN) Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan buka suara soal larangan penjualan Iphone 16 di dalam negeri. Dia meminta, produsen Iphone Apple untuk memenuhi janji investasi kepada pemerintah. Menurut Luhut, sebenarnya pemerintah akan memberikan kemudahan bagi Apple jika ingin menanamkan modalnya di dalam negeri. Sebab, dampak ekonomi terhadap investasi itu sangat besar. "Kita semua itu sangat terbuka terhadap apa saja (kerja sama), apalagi kalau itu diproduksi di dalam negeri karena kita ingin menciptakan lapangan kerja," ujar Luhut di Kompleks Istana Kepresidenan, Jakarta, Selasa (5/11/2024). Selain itu, bilang Luhut, pemerintah juga tidak membuat ribet denga memberikan sejumlah persyaratan khusus kepada Apple soal spesifikasi Iphone. Baca Juga: Apple Minta Tax Holiday 50 Tahun, Anggota DPR Murka Usul Pemerintah Blokir Semua iPhone di RI Hanya saja, jika Apple bersedia membuka pabriknya dan membuka seluas-luasnya lapangan pekerjaan, maka pemerintah bakal mendukung. […]
Apple has been known as a technology company that continues to push the boundaries of innovation. However, in 2026, Apple is predicted to bring something different from the latest iPhone. Apple's main focus is to expand its ecosystem into the smart home market and more advanced health devices. The following is a detailed prediction from TF International's trusted analyst Ming-Chi Kuo. Big Breakthrough in the Smart Home Market: Apple Smart Home 2026 Apple seems to have realized the huge potential of the smart home market. One of its biggest breakthroughs is the planned launch of a smart IP camera or CCTV device designed to integrate with the Apple ecosystem. Mass production of this device is predicted to begin in 2026. This IP camera will not only be a regular security device, but also an important part of Apple Smart Home 2026, a strategic move to strengthen Apple's smart home ecosystem. According to Ming-Chi Kuo, this device will be assembled [...]
The tech market is stirring again with the news that Apple will introduce Apple's first foldable iPhone in the second half of 2026. This information is a hot topic of conversation among technology enthusiasts, considering Apple is known to be very selective and careful in releasing new products. This step is an important turning point for the Cupertino-based technology company. As a pioneer of innovation, Apple doesn't seem to want to rush into the foldable cellphone market. They seem to prefer a cautious approach to ensure that the products launched are of high quality and meet consumer expectations. iPhone Fold Design Rumor: Flip or Fold? Reporting from Gizmochina, early rumors suggest that Apple's first foldable iPhone will come with a clamshell design that resembles the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip. This design offers a compact form and is suitable for everyday use. However, according to Ross Young, a display industry expert, these rumors are not accurate. He explained that Apple is more [...]
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