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Apple Products 2024 - Apple has always been the center of attention in the tech world, and 2024 is no different. With the launch of various new products, such as the iPhone 16, Vision Pro, and M4 Chip, Apple managed to take the global market by storm. However, not all of these products lived up to users' expectations. Let's review which ones managed to steal hearts and which ones drew criticism. Apple's Best Innovations in 2024 TikTok: Capspoint 1. Chip M4: Technology at the Fingertips The M4 chip, first introduced in May 2024, is the star of this year's Apple product line. Built with second-generation 3 nanometer technology, this chip delivers outstanding performance on the iPad Pro and Mac Mini. Key Advantages: Performance of up to 38 trillion operations per second. Supports Ultra Retina XDR displays with high precision and brightness. Impressive power efficiency, making devices thinner and lighter. This chip also provides [...]
5 Tips and Tricks to Fix Apple Watch that Fails to Charge - Hi Apple Lovers! Discussing Apple devices is never ending. One of the advanced devices that often becomes a hot topic is the Apple Watch. However, what if your favorite Apple Watch suddenly can't be charged? Don't worry, Apple Friends! This article will provide a solution to the problem. Recognize the Problem of Apple Watch that Can't Be Charged 5 Tips and Tricks to Solve Apple Watch that Fails to Charge - As a premium device with a high price tag, keeping your Apple Watch in the best condition is a priority. However, like any other electronic device, technical issues can occur, including charging failures. What are the signs that your Apple Watch is having trouble charging? The screen only shows the charging cable icon with red lightning. There is no sign of green lightning, even after a while of connecting the charger. [...]
6 Causes of Black/White Shadow on iPhone Screen - iPhone is a favorite gadget around the world thanks to its alluring design, cutting-edge technology, and reputation for quality. Despite its sophistication, the iPhone is still not free from various problems. One of the problems that users often complain about is the appearance of black or white shadows on the screen, which interferes with the display and user experience. Explanation of Black/White Shadow on iPhone Screen Black or white shadow on iPhone screen is a visual effect that appears around certain text or objects. This shadow can be black, white, or even follow the background color of the screen. Technically, this shadow could be an indication of a problem with your iPhone's hardware or software. - 6 Causes of Black/White Shadow on iPhone Screen - 6 Causes of Black/White Shadow on iPhone Screen Youtube: Candra Apple Solution Causes of Black or White Shadow on iPhone Screen 1. Dust or [...]
Hai, Sobat Apple!Apakah Apple Watch Anda tiba-tiba tidak bisa diisi daya? Jangan panik! Masalah ini memang sering terjadi dan dapat diatasi dengan langkah-langkah sederhana. Artikel ini akan membahas 6 cara mengatasi Apple Watch tidak bisa diisi daya secara lengkap. Yuk, simak penjelasannya! Mengapa Apple Watch Tidak Bisa Diisi Daya? 6 Cara Mengatasi Apple Watch Tidak Bisa Diisi Daya - Sebelum masuk ke solusinya, mari kita pahami beberapa penyebab umum kenapa Apple Watch bisa bermasalah saat diisi daya. Penyebab ini bisa bermacam-macam, seperti: Kabel atau adaptor rusak.Kabel pengisi daya yang sudah usang atau tidak kompatibel bisa menjadi penyebab utama. Debu atau kotoran.Kotoran pada port pengisian atau di bagian belakang Apple Watch dapat menghambat pengisian daya. Masalah perangkat keras.Kerusakan internal pada Apple Watch atau pengisi daya juga dapat menyebabkan perangkat gagal mengisi daya. Adaptor daya tidak berfungsi.Adaptor daya palsu atau yang tidak […]
This iPhone Camera IC has become an indispensable part of everyday life. Many people consider a camera a basic necessity, from ordinary activities to professional needs such as photography. Especially on iPhone devices, the camera is one of the excellent features that continues to amaze users. For example, the iPhone 13 comes with cinematic mode capabilities that are hard to find on other phones. However, what if the iPhone camera is not working properly? This article will discuss one of the important components, the iPhone Camera IC, and how to repair it. This iPhone Camera IC: What Does It Do? The Camera IC is an electronic component that regulates the flow of power from the logic board to the camera. This chip is only active when the camera is in use, and if it has a problem, the camera will not turn on. Hardware engineers explain that the Camera IC is a small chip that manages image data on the iPhone. When the image from the front or rear camera goes blank, the problem [...]
Has your iPhone screen ever suddenly turned blank white? This issue can affect productivity, especially if your iPhone is used for important activities. - Practical Tips to Fix iPhone Blank White Screen Software Problems An unsuccessful system update is often the main cause of a blank white iPhone screen. Damaged system files due to a failed update can trigger a white screen on the iPhone. Problems in apps or the OS can also trigger a white screen condition on the iPhone. YouTube: Candra Apple Solution Hardware Malfunction on iPhone Hardware causes of white screen issues include: Interference with the LCD flex cable often causes the screen to not display an image. The flex cable is responsible for connecting the screen to the logic board on the iPhone. Damage to the logic board often triggers a blank white screen on the iPhone. The logic board is a vital part that manages all the functions of the device. A faulty LCD is also a common cause of screen [...]
Ketika iPhone 7 jatuh dan terlindas kendaraan, kerusakan yang terjadi dapat sangat beragam, mulai dari layar retak hingga motherboard yang rusak parah. - Kerusakan iPhone 7 akibat jatuh dan terlindas kendaraan Artikel ini akan membahas secara menyeluruh jenis kerusakan yang mungkin terjadi, dampaknya terhadap fungsi perangkat, solusi perbaikan, hingga alat-alat yang diperlukan. Simak panduan berikut agar Anda dapat memahami apa yang perlu dilakukan saat iPhone 7 Anda mengalami insiden serupa. Jenis Kerusakan yang Umum Terjadi pada iPhone 7 Kerusakan iPhone 7 akibat tekanan berat biasanya cukup signifikan. Berikut adalah beberapa jenis kerusakan yang umum terjadi: Layar Retak atau Pecah: Layar adalah komponen pertama yang terkena dampak, sering kali mengalami retakan atau pecah total. Kerusakan Bodi: Bodi aluminium iPhone 7 dapat penyok, retak, atau bengkok karena tekanan. Baterai Rusak: Tekanan berat dapat membuat baterai menggembung, bocor, atau tidak dapat menyimpan daya. […]
Sobat Caps, selamat datang kembali dalam artikel kali ini. Kami akan membahas kasus mati total pada iPhone 12 Pro Max yang disebabkan oleh short capacitor. Kami adalah Candra Apple Solution, spesialis dalam jasa perbaikan Apple, mulai dari masalah perangkat lunak hingga perangkat keras. Identifikasi Kasus Pada kasus ini, kami memiliki iPhone 12 Pro Max yang mati total. Setelah pemeriksaan awal, kami mencurigai bahwa perangkat ini mengalami short capacitor. Hal ini disinyalir setelah kami mengecek jalur PPVDDM dan menemukan short yang signifikan. Pemeriksaan Awal Kami memulai dengan menghubungkan perangkat ke power supply. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa aliran listrik tidak terdeteksi, dengan amperase yang tetap pada nol. Ini mengindikasikan bahwa short capacitor terjadi sebelum perangkat dinyalakan. Baca Juga: Mengatasi Masalah Bluetooth di iPhone X dengan Mudah Mengatasi Short Capacitor YouTube: Candra Apple Solution Proses Pengerjaan iPhone 12 Pro Max Short Capacitor Kami […]
Mengatasi iPhone Mati Total dengan Cepat dan Efektif - iPhone mati total merupakan masalah yang sering dialami oleh pengguna smartphone. Penyebab dari mati total pada iPhone bisa beragam, mulai dari kerusakan hardware, masalah software, baterai yang habis, atau mungkin karena terkena air. Jika anda mengalami masalah seperti ini, tidak perlu panik karena ada beberapa hal yang bisa anda lakukan untuk mengatasi iphone mati total. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan membahas secara detail mengenai penyebab iPhone mati total, ciri-ciri iPhone mati total, serta tips dan solusi untuk memperbaiki iPhone yang mati total. Artikel ini juga akan memaparkan teknik-teknik yang bisa digunakan untuk memulihkan iPhone mati total mulai dari masalah terkecil hingga masalah terbesar. Penyebab Iphone Mati Total Semua barang elektronik pasti akan mengalami penurunan performa seiring berjalannya waktu, termasuk iPhone. Salah satu tanda yang seringkali menjadi tolok ukur kemampuan iPhone yang […]
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