
Berapa Pajak iPhone 16 yang Dibeli di Luar Negeri? Ini Cara Menghitungnya - Apple secara resmi telah merilis ponsel seri terbaru iPhone 16, iPhone 16 Plus, dan iPhone 16 Pro Max pada Senin (9/9/2024). Sayangnya, hingga saat ini produk terbaru Apple ini belum diizinkan diperjualbelikan di Indonesia karena Kementerian Perindustrian (Kemenperin) belum mengeluarkan sertifikat Tingkat Komponen Dalam Negeri (TKDN). Namun, dilaporkan, Jumat (25/10/2024), Juru Bicara Kemenperin Febri Hendri Antoni Arif mengatakan, produk iPhone 16 yang dibawa dari luar negeri masuk ke Indonesia untuk pemakaian pribadi diperbolehkan. Masyarakat maksimal hanya dapat membawa dua unit produk dan wajib mendaftarkan International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) serta membayar pajak. Lantas, berapa pajak iPhone 16 yang dibeli di luar negeri? Baca juga: Alasan iPhone 16 Masih Belum Dijual Resmi di Indonesia Cara hitung pajak iPhone 16 Dilansir dari laman, pemilik iPhone 16 harus membayar bea masuk dan pajak dalam rangka impor saat melakukan pendaftaran IMEI. Ketentuan pajak […]

iPhone 16, iPhone 16 vs iPhone 15 Comparison
iPhone 16, iPhone 16 vs iPhone 15 Comparison

The hype for iPhone users to upgrade to the latest series, the iPhone 16, is unlikely to be very significant. This is influenced by several factors, including the potential higher price as well as the absence of revolutionary features that distinguish it strikingly from the previous series, iPhone 15. In addition, until now, the iPhone 16 series has not been officially sold in Indonesia because it has not yet received the Domestic Component Level (TKDN) certification. iPhone 16 Not Officially Available in Indonesia One of the main reasons the iPhone 16 series has not attracted the attention of Indonesian users is that it has not been officially released in the country. Apple is still constrained by the process of applying for TKDN, an important regulation for electronic products sold in Indonesia. Without this certification, Apple products can only be accessed through the gray market, which often offers prices much higher than the official price. According to reports from several tech analysts, Apple's delay in releasing the iPhone [...]

TKDN Apple iPhone 16
Government Encourages Apple to Invest US$1 Billion in Indonesia for iPhone 16

TKDN Apple iPhone 16 - Indonesia is in the spotlight of Apple Inc. regarding a major investment opportunity in the manufacturing sector. The government, through the Ministry of Investment and Downstream, is giving a strong signal for Apple to increase its commitment with an investment of US1T4T1 billion. This move is not only to support the planned launch of the iPhone 16 in the domestic market, but also to encourage the growth of the manufacturing industry and the creation of a more equitable ecosystem for all investors. TKDN Certificate: Key Determinant of iPhone 16 Sales One of the major obstacles for Apple in marketing the iPhone 16 in Indonesia is the Domestic Component Level (TKDN) requirement. The Indonesian government is still withholding TKDN certificates for a number of Apple devices as a form of fairness to other investors who have already fulfilled this requirement. The TKDN certificate itself aims to ensure local contribution in products sold in the Indonesian market. The TKDN of the Apple iPhone 16 is a central issue that must be resolved [...]

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