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Meaning of the Letter i in iPhone - Many people are curious about the meaning of the letter 'i' in the name iPhone, one of Apple's iconic products. Since its first launch in 2007, the name has become a symbol of the technological revolution, but its origins often raise question marks. What exactly does the letter 'i' mean? Let's get to the bottom of it! Speculation Among Social Media Users On various social media platforms, users often speculate about the true meaning of the letter 'i'. Some suspect that 'i' stands for: Intelligent Indispensable Interactive Some even associate this letter with the pronoun "I". However, these theories were mere conjecture until Apple co-founder Steve Jobs gave an official explanation. Also Read: Apple's Early History: From the First Meeting to the Apple I Prototype Steve Jobs' Explanation of the Letter 'i' In 1998, [...]
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