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Jakarta, CNBC Indonesa - Praktik judi online atau judol terdeteksi telah merambah para wakil rakyat di lembaga legislative, baik di tingkat pusat maupun daerah. Kepala Pusat Pelaporan dan Analisis Transaksi Keuangan atau PPATK Ivan Yustiavandana mengatakan, transaksi judi online terdeteksi telah dilakukan oleh 1000 orang lebih anggota DPR dan DPRD serta masing-masing sekretariat jenderalnya.Sementara itu, kemacetan di pelabuhan peti kemas Singapura dalam beberapa bulan terakhir menjadi yang paling terburuk sejak pandemi Covid-19. Kondisi ini menjadi tanda betapa lamanya dampak pengalihan rute kapal untuk menghindari serangan di laut merah yakni pengalihan rute yang lebih panjang di sekitar Afrika.Selengkapnya dalam program Evening Up CNBC Indonesia (Rabu, 26/06/2024) berikut ini. Source link
Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia - Tren pelemahan sama-saham paling populer di Wall Street berlanjut pada hari Senin waktu setempat, menyebabkan saham di bursa Jepang mengalami hari terburuk, sejak kejatuhan pasar tahun 1987 dan memukul saham teknologi AS.Mengutip Wall Street Journal, indeks saham AS dibuka turun tajam, mengikuti penurunan di pasar internasional, sebelum pulih sedikit usai survei manajer pembelian menunjukkan sektor jasa berkembang sedikit lebih tinggi dari yang diharapkan pada bulan lalu.Nasdaq yang didominasi saham teknologi mengalami penurunan terbesar, yakni 3,4%. Setiap segmen industri di S&P 500 menurun, mendorong indeks secara keseluruhan turun 3%. Semua 30 saham di Dow Jones Industrial Average berakhir lebih rendah dan indeks saham unggulan turun 1.034 poin.Indeks saham kecil Russell 2000, yang bangkit kembali dalam beberapa minggu terakhir, turun 3,3%. Minyak, logam mulia, dan bitcoin turun.Sementara itu, pengukur rasa takut Wall Street, CBOE Volatility Index, atau VIX, […]
Bloomberg Technoz, Jakarta - Menteri Investasi dan Hilirisasi-Kepala BKPM, Rosan Roeslani, menyatakan bahwa komitmen investasi vendor produksi AirTag di Indonesia mencapai Rp163 triliun atau sekitar US$10 miliar. US$1 miliar telah masuk dalam investasi yang tengah berjalan berupa pembangunan fasilitas produksi AirTag, perangkat aksesoris Apple dengan fungsi pelacak barang berbasis Bluetooth. "Setelah itu, kita bicara lagi tahap berikutnya, sampai dengan investasi ini mencapai US$10 miliar. Ini kita belum mulai, dan [tetapi] sudah commit, dan ini adalah suatu perkembangan positif," jelas Rosan di Jakarta Selatan, Rabu (15/1/2025).  Komitmen investasi hingga US$10 miliar oleh vendor Apple, Luxshare Precision Industry Co Ltd, seperti disampaikan Kementerian Perindustrian, dinilai sebagai langkah strategis untuk memperkuat ekosistem manufaktur elektronik di Indonesia. Rosan, yang pernah menduduki jabatan Duta Besar Indonesia untuk Amerika Serikat (AS), menjelaskan bahwa Indonesia saat ini masih jauh tertinggal dibanding negara-negara Asia Tenggara lainnya dalam jumlah vendor yang terlibat […]
Apple iPad continues to be the top choice of tablet users around the world, including in Indonesia. With a variety of models designed for needs ranging from professionals to students, iPad offers advanced technology, superior performance, and an elegant design that is hard to match. In January 2025, Apple presented a large selection of iPads at competitive official prices in the Indonesian market. In this article, we will discuss in detail the Latest iPad Prices January 2025 and a guide to choosing the iPad that best suits your needs. Here is a list of the Latest iPad Prices January 2025 available at authorized Apple stores and trusted distributors in Indonesia: Model Variant Price (IDR) iPad Pro M4 13-inch Wi-Fi 256GB IDR 24,999,000 iPad Pro M4 13-inch Wi-Fi 512GB IDR 29,499,000 iPad Pro M4 13-inch Wi-Fi 1TB IDR 38,499,000 iPad Pro M4 13-inch Wi-Fi 2TB IDR 46,499,000 iPad Pro [...]
Apple, the giant technology company from the United States, is back in the spotlight. A recent report stated that Apple still owes IDR 271 billion from the investment commitment promised to the Indonesian government in 2020. This information comes amidst worldwide attention on the strategic moves of global technology companies towards developing countries, including Indonesia. As one of the countries with a fast-growing technology market, Indonesia has attracted the attention of major tech companies, including Apple. But what happened to Apple's investment commitment in 2020? How will it impact the development of the tech ecosystem in Indonesia? This article will discuss it in depth. The "Apple Investment Indonesia 2020" Commitment: Background and Expectations In 2020, Apple announced major investment plans in Indonesia as part of their global strategy to strengthen their presence in the Southeast Asian market. This commitment involves investments in technology development, digital ecosystem enhancement, and resource training [...]
The '90s generation seems to have all the good memories that are still being 'served' in various sectors. Apart from the music that feels everlasting, this generation also experienced the development of game consoles, such as PS1. Do you know how to play PS1 games on iPad? You can check out the details here. Developing along with technology and all its sophistication, the '90s generation was indeed one of the lucky ones. Being able to play games from PS1 is probably one of the things that makes this generation nostalgic about the beauty of childhood. How to Play PS1 Games on iPad Apple itself gives permission for emulator applications to be used on its devices. The application with the name Gamma - Game Emulator will launch soon, and can help you play exciting games like CTR, Harvest Moon, to Final Fantasy which became one of the masterpieces on this console. Also Read: 17 Best Apps for Apple App Store Awards 2024 [...]
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