
iPhone 16 in Indonesia
Positive Signals of iPhone 16 Presence in Indonesia

  Positive Signal of iPhone 16 Presence in Indonesia Good news for Apple product lovers in Indonesia. The presence of the iPhone 16 series in the country is increasingly showing positive signals after Apple made a major investment commitment to the Indonesian government. This step is expected to accelerate the legalization process of marketing Apple's flagship products in the local market. Apple Investment: US$1 Billion Commitment Apple has expressed its readiness to invest US$1 billion (equivalent to Rp 15.95 trillion) in Indonesia. This statement was made by the Minister of Investment and Downstream/Head of BKPM Rosan Roeslani on Thursday (12/12/2024). Previously, Apple was in the spotlight because it had not met the requirements for the Domestic Component Level (TKDN) required by the Indonesian government. Without this certificate, Apple products cannot be officially marketed in Indonesia. - iPhone 16 in Indonesia However, with an investment commitment that is ten times greater than the previous offer, the government is now [...]

Troubleshooting iPhone Top Speaker and Face ID Death: Causes and Solutions
Troubleshooting iPhone Top Speaker and Face ID Death: Causes and Solutions

Apakah kamu pernah mengalami kerusakan pada speaker atas iPhone kamu? Speaker atas iPhone memiliki berbagai fungsi penting, mulai dari menerima panggilan telepon, mendengarkan musik, hingga menggunakan fitur Face ID. - Masalah Speaker Atas iPhone dan Face ID yang Mati Jika speaker atas iPhone kamu rusak, tentu akan sangat mengganggu aktivitas kamu. Penyebab Kerusakan Speaker Atas iPhone Salah satu penyebab kerusakan speaker atas iPhone adalah paparan air atau cairan lainnya. Air dapat merusak komponen-komponen di dalam speaker, sehingga suara yang dihasilkan menjadi tidak jelas atau bahkan hilang sama sekali. Selain itu, speaker atas iPhone juga dapat rusak karena benturan atau goresan. Mengapa Face ID Mati? Jika speaker atas iPhone kamu rusak, maka Face ID juga akan mati. Hal ini dikarenakan Face ID menggunakan sensor jarak yang terletak di dekat speaker atas. Jika speaker atas rusak, maka sensor jarak juga akan rusak, […]

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