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BEST SELLING PRODUCTS - Ketua Dewan Ekonomi Nasional (DEN) Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan buka suara soal larangan penjualan Iphone 16 di dalam negeri. Dia meminta, produsen Iphone Apple untuk memenuhi janji investasi kepada pemerintah. Menurut Luhut, sebenarnya pemerintah akan memberikan kemudahan bagi Apple jika ingin menanamkan modalnya di dalam negeri. Sebab, dampak ekonomi terhadap investasi itu sangat besar. "Kita semua itu sangat terbuka terhadap apa saja (kerja sama), apalagi kalau itu diproduksi di dalam negeri karena kita ingin menciptakan lapangan kerja," ujar Luhut di Kompleks Istana Kepresidenan, Jakarta, Selasa (5/11/2024). Selain itu, bilang Luhut, pemerintah juga tidak membuat ribet denga memberikan sejumlah persyaratan khusus kepada Apple soal spesifikasi Iphone. Baca Juga: Apple Minta Tax Holiday 50 Tahun, Anggota DPR Murka Usul Pemerintah Blokir Semua iPhone di RI Hanya saja, jika Apple bersedia membuka pabriknya dan membuka seluas-luasnya lapangan pekerjaan, maka pemerintah bakal mendukung. […]
Apple Abandons Promise & Tense Relationship between Apple and Indonesia The recent issue of banning the iPhone 16 in Indonesia is not a sudden one. Relations between Apple and Indonesia have been strained in recent months, especially after Apple CEO Tim Cook's visit to Indonesia in April 2024. The visit was expected to bring fresh air in the form of investment commitments from Apple. However, until now there has been no significant realization, leading to the assumption that Apple underestimates Indonesia. During the visit, Apple expressed their intention to invest Rp 1.6 trillion in Indonesia. This investment is planned to meet the Domestic Component Level (TKDN) requirement of 40 percent as well as to develop educational infrastructure through the Apple Developer Academy program in several regions of Indonesia. Unfortunately, until now the investment has not been fully realized. Read also: Apple to Build [...]
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